Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello Sisters,

Time for another update...

*Bro. and Sis. Belcher will be moving soon :-( We have been so blessed to have them as part of our ward family! Anyone that would like to have lunch (dutch treat) with Dee before she leaves, please join us on Thursday at 1:00pm at the Cowpoke Cafe in Middletown.

*Does anyone have any dressers they don't need? If so, please let us know and we'll connect you with someone that is looking for them.

*Don't forget about the Stake Relief Society Focus - "Turning the Hearts of the Children to the Fathers and Mothers". We have goal cards, and for each goal you accomplish, we will add a leaf cluster to our poster. Pres. Southwick would like us to bring these posters and share our stories at the Women's Conference in April. If you need another goal card, please let us know.

*Congratulations to Michelle Daley on graduating from high school early and being accepted to BYU Idaho! She will be heading out very soon!

*Sis. Chant has some dresses to give away. Sizes 10 thru 14

*The Stake RS Leaders are looking for sisters willing to participate in the Women's Conference on April 30th. They need musicians and those willing to come representing one of their ancestors. See us for more information. They would like to have names submitted soon.

*We have been invited to the Highlands Ward Relief Society Birthday Party! Saturday, March 20th at 6:00pm. The theme is "What My Grandmother Taught Me". This will be a dinner catered by our own Sis. Michelle Hamilton and Sis. Shelley Wilmoth. Please let us know if you can attend so they can plan accordingly.

*Check out the great work Sis. Spiker is doing for our community thru the Senior Center :-)

*Ward Chili Cook Off, March 5th at 6:30PM

*Stake Conference in Ukiah
Saturday, March 6: Preisthood Leader 3PM, Dinner 5PM, Adults 6:30PM
Sunday, March 7: 10:00AM General Session
come and join the Middletown Ward Choir!!

*Stake Temple Day, March 13